Under the Party Wall Act 1996 you are permitted to carry out alterations to a party wall, party structure, boundary fence or build new foundations close to an existing building; as long as you advise your neighbour, the adjoining owner, that the works are to be done and that any damage caused will be repaired.
At Banco, we can give advice to both commercial and residential property owners and adjoining owners affected by party wall, our service include:
Issue of notices
Inspecting, agreeing and preparing Schedules of Condition
Preparation and negotiation of Awards
Implementing awarded agreements as required
Banco are professional providers of Land Registry compliant lease and title plans for both residential and commercial properties. We have acted for private individuals, companies and social landlords.
We can offer our customers a reliable, fast and efficient service from start to finish.
We aim to produce clear accurate lease plans for title plans and Deed Variations.
We aim to support our client instruction through to Land Registry approval.
The Lease Plans we produce are fully Land Registry Compliant.

Under the Party Wall Act 1996 you are permitted to carry out alterations to a party wall, party structure, boundary fence or build new foundations close to an existing building; as long as you advise your neighbour, the adjoining owner, that the works are to be done and that any damage caused will be repaired.
At Banco, we can give advice to both commercial and residential property owners and adjoining owners affected by party wall, our service include:
Issue of notices
Inspecting, agreeing and preparing Schedules of Condition
Preparation and negotiation of Awards
Implementing awarded agreements as required
Banco are professional providers of Land Registry compliant lease and title plans for both residential and commercial properties. We have acted for private individuals, companies and social landlords.
We can offer our customers a reliable, fast and efficient service from start to finish.
We aim to produce clear accurate lease plans for title plans and Deed Variations.
We aim to support our client instruction through to Land Registry approval.
The Lease Plans we produce are fully Land Registry Compliant.


Contact Harj Banger to discuss your needs:
Phone: 0203 981 6600
Email: hb@bancosurveyors.com

Under the Party Wall Act 1996 you are permitted to carry out alterations to a party wall, party structure, boundary fence or build new foundations close to an existing building; as long as you advise your neighbour, the adjoining owner, that the works are to be done and that any damage caused will be repaired.
At Banco, we can give advice to both commercial and residential property owners and adjoining owners affected by party wall, our service include:
Issue of notices
Inspecting, agreeing and preparing Schedules of Condition
Preparation and negotiation of Awards
Implementing awarded agreements as required